Our Church
At Emmanuel we belong to each other in God’s infinite love.
That’s what it means to be a community of faith.
We follow Jesus on a path of reconciliation, forgiveness and wholeness finding support and encouragement as we journey together.
We are a vibrant hope-filled and grace-focused intergenerational community. We believe that as God’s creation we are made good and whole. In our worship, we draw on tradition even as we embrace change; and, together, we work for the positive transformation of our community.
We foster a sacred community where everyone can show up as they are.
We prioritize deep connection with God, with ourselves, and with others.
We share a hunger for spiritual growth, wisdom, and mystery without imposing what any of that should look like.

In some ways, we’re exactly what you’d expect of a Baptist church. In many other ways, though, we promise you’ll be surprised.
No matter who you are, no matter what you believe, no matter your circumstances—if you are here, you belong at Emmanuel.
Think this all sounds too good to be true? We encourage you to put us to the test.

We share a great deal with other congregations:
A common profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord
The belief in a faithful God who calls us to be faithful people
An emphasis on gathering for worship, service, fellowship and spiritual growth.

These elements don’t distinguish us from other congregations; they affirm our bond of unity. But each congregation in the world has its own spiritual and communal DNA. This diversity is part of the Kingdom’s beauty.

Seven Identifying Traits of Emmanuel Baptist Church
Intentionality of worship
Worship at Emmanuel is rooted in the rich traditions of congregational singing, proclamation of scripture, corporate prayer and the liturgical year. We try to deliberately make room for the head and the heart, encouraging leadership from all generations. We seek meaning and purpose for every element of worship so that each contributes something to the larger experience.
Being Church to one another
True fellowship means belonging to one another in a deeper sense. It means acknowledging differences and facing conflict. Most of all, it means that our commitment to one another through the Holy Spirit is more important than whatever might potentially divide us.
God’s mission made flesh
We embrace our immediate context in downtown Alexandria, and we seek to embody the gospel through our words and actions. Our faith compels us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, lift up the downtrodden and welcome those in need of grace.
Formation of the heart, mind and soul
Spiritual growth requires us to walk a particular path, one paved by ancient wisdom and more seasoned saints. But growth also requires our willing exploration, trusting that the questions we ask are just as important as the answers we seek. In this process, the Spirit works to shape us more and more in the image of Christ.
Every member a minister
The gospel ministry isn’t carried by professional clergy; it is carried by laypersons putting into practice their own spiritual gifts. Through committees, mission groups and Sunday school classes, church members contribute to our shared ministry, within the walls of the church and beyond.
Reflecting the creative spirit
The creative arts serve as a vastly important avenue of worship, lifting our hearts in the language of wonder and awe. The arts also shape our most basic views of God and the created world. We incorporate the creative arts into spiritual formation, beginning in the lives of our children.
Sacred presence in the ordinary
We know that God is in our acts of praying; we want to be equally assured that God is in our acts of playing. Our laughter is a sign of grace and blessing, a reminder that our experience is already blessed. There is something holy in the conversation around a table or an afternoon at the lake. These moments need no “baptism” of formal prayers or religious language. They exist as a celebration of God's abiding presence and pleasure.