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Writer: Dr. Brenda RuddDr. Brenda Rudd

Last Sunday’s choral anthem was truly inspirationalWhen I first heard Mercy—Susan Bentall Boersma’s lyrics set so beautifully to music by Craig Courtney—I was moved by the sheer majesty and overwhelming splendor of our God (Psalm 96:6).  My heart was filled with gratitude that in spite of my sinful nature, He hears each prayer and His mercy endures forever (Psalm 136:1).

I dare not lift my guilty eyes.  I hide my lips in trembling shame.

In the darkness of my soul, I shrink from Your rekindling flame.

Kyrie eleison (Latin for Lord have mercy), have mercy.

In mercy cover me with grace and blot out my iniquity.  

Renew my heart and wash me clean; grant with Your pardon, purity.

Kyrie eleison, have mercy

In equal measure of Your love, You promise mercy and tender compassion to the one who seeks Your face.

A broken heart, a fainting soul, a contrite spirit together cry for Your forgiveness and Your grace.

Against You only have I sinned.  My deeds are evil in Your sight.  Of Your forgiveness, let me sing and in my singing take delight.

Kyrie eleison, have mercy.

As I let the meaning of the anthem's lyrics speak to me, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness to God for the unwavering love, mercy, and grace that He bestows on us each day.  It is unfathomable to me that God continues to offer us undeserved forgiveness simply because we repent and ask.  That He is faithful to guide our steps with His goodness, patience, and compassion beyond measure is a gentle reminder of His unwavering love for us (John 3:16).  

During this Lenten season of reflection, as we confess our sins and recommit our lives to God, it is my prayer that Jesus Christ will be glorified and delighted by our worship, because it is He who truly deserves all of our praise.



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